


324600 votes. languages=Spanish. This game is, realistic cars, fun gameplay, a story to the game I love everything about this game... except for one thing. The Live Races, I don’t get what happens when I do live races, I bring out one of my tier 1 cars to do a quest, go into a race, I start off absolutely dominating my opponent by a landslide, then all of a sudden way from the back of the track whoever I’m up against blazes past me at the VERY LAST second as if the person is using a Tier 10 car (I know that’s not a thing) but goes at the speed as if it was a tier 10 car. But then sometimes I unintentionally do the same to my opponents, they start off destroying me then right as we’re about to cross the finish line BOOM I blaze past my opponent in seconds and I just play it normally, I shift, boost and launch that’s it. I don’t understand this at all and it is insanely annoying when I can’t even win a single live race other than when I do that to my opponent unintentionally, (all my cars are fully upgraded and tuned before I do live races also). I don’t know if this is just something in the game or a bug or a glitch or whatever but if it’s in the game because developers put it in I guess I’ll have to live with it but if it’s a bug or glitch or hack...PLEEEAASE get that fixed🙏🙏🙏🙏. summary=CSR Racing 2 – This game redefines what you thought possible on your mobile device!. device=Ipod. version info=Fire up your engines, Fast & Furious is back!. genres=Entertainment.





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